Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving break. Our pre-thanksgiving talks were rousing as always. Especially with Andy’s little one Max who slept like an angel during his father’s talk and woke up just at the end of the Q&A. Getting the hang of talks early in life!

Due to the Joshua Lederberg – John von Neumann Symposium: Towards Quantitative Biology taking place all day at the Institute for Advanced Study on Wednesday Dec. 2, we have pushed this week’s talk back one week to Wednesday, Dec. 9. The Dec. 9 talks will be feature Anne-Flo Bitbol of the Wingreen lab who will tell us about a novel method using protein sequence covariation to predict protien-protein interactions, and Shani Elbaum-Garfinkle of the Brangwynne lab who will tell us about the nature of Liquid-Like Organelles.

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