Two weeks in a row!

The 10/14 session was another success. Attendance was again even higher than expected. Don’t worry, we’re working on getting more food for future events (I don’t think anyone went hungry, but some people only got one slice). We’ve gotten some mixed feedback about the pizza in the middle format. We’ve decided to keep this format for at least a few more weeks and then maybe test out having pizza at the end to see which works better.

As promised, here are the links to the tools discussed in the first talk by Anastasia Baryshnikova:

In other news, you will now get Two Think & Drinks in a Row! Due to scheduling conflicts we had to push the 10/7 meeting back to 10/14. However, the next Think & Drink will be Wednesday 10/21 at 4:30PM as planned. Next week we will hear from Monica Skoge from the Gregor Lab will tell us how Dictyostelium sense and remember complex chemotactic cues and Amir Haji-Akbari from the Debenedetti lab who will tell us about using forward flux sampling to understand nucleation rates.

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